
Mullaghmakervy, Lisbellaw.
We, the family of the late Bob Woods, wish to express our deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all sympathised, prayed for and supported us on the loss of our beloved brother who died suddenly on the 30th August 2024.
Sincere thanks to our kind relatives and neighbours who helped in so many ways; to all who attended the wake and funeral; those who stood along the route or watched the funeral online; those who brought food; the people who worked tirelessly in the kitchen preparing food and serving tea and the helpers who worked outside controlling traffic and parking.
Thanks to all who sent cards, phoned, left messages online and those who donated to Coronary Care SWAH in lieu of flowers.
Sincere thanks to the paramedics who attended to Bob at the house and brought him to the hospital and the doctors and nurses at SWAH Resusitation Unit who cared for Bob and dealt with the family with empathy and respect. We thank Canon John McKenna who administered the last rites to Bob at the hospital.
We especially wish to thank Canon Jimmy McPhillips P.P. for his spiritual support to Bob and the family over the years and for the comforting requiem mass which was con celebrated by Canon John McKenna and Fr Artie McCann. His homily was uplifting and comforting to us as a family.
We extend our thanks to Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors for their dignified and professional approach to the handling of the funeral arrangements and for providing beautiful floral tributes and the grave digger for preparing Bob’s final resting place. Thanks to the Sacristan at St Mary’s Church, Maguiresbridge and all who took part in the Liturgy. The Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Karen McElroy who provided the beautiful singing and music and Shane who read the reflection ‘Close the Gate’. Thanks to the committee at St. Mary’s Hall for the use of the hall and providing welcome refreshments after the burial.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our deepest gratitude for your kindness and support. Bob's memory is treasured, his absence deeply felt and we pray that his gentle soul finds peace and eternal rest. Mass has been offered for your intentions. Bob’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 28th September in St. Mary’s Church, Maguiresbridge at 6pm.

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Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors

Co. Fermanagh
[email protected]
028 677 22085
Fax: 02867723249
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The death has occurred of:
Bob Woods

Mullaghmakervy, Lisbellaw.
We, the family of the late Bob Woods, wish to express our deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all sympathised, prayed for and supported us on the loss of our beloved brother who died suddenly on the 30th August 2024.
Sincere thanks to our kind relatives and neighbours who helped in so many ways; to all who attended the wake and funeral; those who stood along the route or watched the funeral online; those who brought food; the people who worked tirelessly in the kitchen preparing food and serving tea and the helpers who worked outside controlling traffic and parking.
Thanks to all who sent cards, phoned, left messages online and those who donated to Coronary Care SWAH in lieu of flowers.
Sincere thanks to the paramedics who attended to Bob at the house and brought him to the hospital and the doctors and nurses at SWAH Resusitation Unit who cared for Bob and dealt with the family with empathy and respect. We thank Canon John McKenna who administered the last rites to Bob at the hospital.
We especially wish to thank Canon Jimmy McPhillips P.P. for his spiritual support to Bob and the family over the years and for the comforting requiem mass which was con celebrated by Canon John McKenna and Fr Artie McCann. His homily was uplifting and comforting to us as a family.
We extend our thanks to Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors for their dignified and professional approach to the handling of the funeral arrangements and for providing beautiful floral tributes and the grave digger for preparing Bob’s final resting place. Thanks to the Sacristan at St Mary’s Church, Maguiresbridge and all who took part in the Liturgy. The Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Karen McElroy who provided the beautiful singing and music and Shane who read the reflection ‘Close the Gate’. Thanks to the committee at St. Mary’s Hall for the use of the hall and providing welcome refreshments after the burial.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our deepest gratitude for your kindness and support. Bob's memory is treasured, his absence deeply felt and we pray that his gentle soul finds peace and eternal rest. Mass has been offered for your intentions. Bob’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 28th September in St. Mary’s Church, Maguiresbridge at 6pm.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors

Co. Fermanagh

028 677 22085


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