The death has occurred of

Charles (Charlie) Mc CLOSKEY

Mc Closkey, Claudy, 9th December, 2019, at Templemoyle Nursing Home, and formerly 6 Desmond Avenue, Claudy, Charles (Charlie), beloved son of the late Hugh and Brigid, much loved brother of Michael, Felix, Annie and Patrick, RIP.

His remains will repose at the home of his friends, Lesley and George Craig, from 2.50 pm on Tuesday 10th, until funeral to St Patrick's Church, Claudy for Requiem Mass at 3pm on Wednesday 11th. Interment in adjoining cemetery immediately after.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on his soul.

Deeply regretted by his sorrowing sister, brothers, sisters in law, brother in law, family circle and friends.

Have you considered?

Funeral Arrangements

Service date & Time

11 December 2019, 3.00PM

Service Location

St. Patrick's Church, Church Street, Claudy, Co. Derry/Londonderry, BT47 4AA


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C O'Neill Funeral Director

644 Barnailt Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
028 7133 8275 / 07719951957
View Directory Profile

The death has occurred of:
Charles (Charlie) Mc CLOSKEY

Mc Closkey, Claudy, 9th December, 2019, at Templemoyle Nursing Home, and formerly 6 Desmond Avenue, Claudy, Charles (Charlie), beloved son of the late Hugh and Brigid, much loved brother of Michael, Felix, Annie and Patrick, RIP.

His remains will repose at the home of his friends, Lesley and George Craig, from 2.50 pm on Tuesday 10th, until funeral to St Patrick's Church, Claudy for Requiem Mass at 3pm on Wednesday 11th. Interment in adjoining cemetery immediately after.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on his soul.

Deeply regretted by his sorrowing sister, brothers, sisters in law, brother in law, family circle and friends.

Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

11 December 2019, 3.00PM

Service Location

St. Patrick's Church, Church Street, Claudy, Co. Derry/Londonderry, BT47 4AA


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

C O'Neill Funeral Director

644 Barnailt Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

028 7133 8275 / 07719951957

View Directory Profile