The death has occurred of

Christina Margaret SEY (née Bryans)


SEY ( nee Bryans ) July 7th 2021 peacefully in Gortacharn Private Nursing Home Lisnaskea, Christina Margaret dearly beloved wife of the late John Neville, formerly of Crom Castle Estate, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh and dear mother of John ( Sharon ) and Amanda ( Desmond ).

A private family funeral service will take place on Friday 9th July at 2pm in Dowler’s Funeral Home , 227 Main Street Lisnaskea followed by interment in Holy Trinity Churchyard, Crom, Derryvore, Derrylin
For those wishing to pay their respects the cortege will be leaving the funeral home at approx. 2.45 pm on route to the churchyard via the New Bridges for interment
Please note due to the current circumstances and government advice regarding COVID 19 the funeral will be private.

In the interest of your health and safety and others please adhere to government guidelines and maintain social distancing.

Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu of flowers, if desired, to Dementia N.I. Cheques payable please to Dowler’s Funeral Services, 7 Cherryhill, Gortacharn, Lisnaskea BT92 0LE

Deeply regretted by her sorrowing son, daughter, Daughter-in-law, Son-in-law, Grandchildren Neville, Natasha, Jonathan, Stacey and Dylan, Greatgrandchildren Sam, Emma, Zara, Harri, Rubie, Ollie, Alfie, Josh and Hannah, sisters May and Emma, brother Mervyn and all the family circle

“Absent from the body, present with the Lord”

Have you considered?

Funeral Arrangements

Service date & Time

09 July 2021, 2.00PM

Service Location

Dowler's Funeral Home, 227 Main Street, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh, BT92 0JH


Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu of flowers, if desired, to Dementia N.I. Cheques payable please to Dowler’s Funeral Services, 7 Cherryhill, Gortacharn, Lisnaskea BT92 0LE


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Dowler Funeral Services

7 Cherryhill - Gortacharn,
Co. Fermanagh
[email protected]
028 6772 2471
View Directory Profile

The death has occurred of:
Christina Margaret SEY (née Bryans)

SEY ( nee Bryans ) July 7th 2021 peacefully in Gortacharn Private Nursing Home Lisnaskea, Christina Margaret dearly beloved wife of the late John Neville, formerly of Crom Castle Estate, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh and dear mother of John ( Sharon ) and Amanda ( Desmond ).

A private family funeral service will take place on Friday 9th July at 2pm in Dowler’s Funeral Home , 227 Main Street Lisnaskea followed by interment in Holy Trinity Churchyard, Crom, Derryvore, Derrylin
For those wishing to pay their respects the cortege will be leaving the funeral home at approx. 2.45 pm on route to the churchyard via the New Bridges for interment
Please note due to the current circumstances and government advice regarding COVID 19 the funeral will be private.

In the interest of your health and safety and others please adhere to government guidelines and maintain social distancing.

Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu of flowers, if desired, to Dementia N.I. Cheques payable please to Dowler’s Funeral Services, 7 Cherryhill, Gortacharn, Lisnaskea BT92 0LE

Deeply regretted by her sorrowing son, daughter, Daughter-in-law, Son-in-law, Grandchildren Neville, Natasha, Jonathan, Stacey and Dylan, Greatgrandchildren Sam, Emma, Zara, Harri, Rubie, Ollie, Alfie, Josh and Hannah, sisters May and Emma, brother Mervyn and all the family circle

“Absent from the body, present with the Lord”


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

09 July 2021, 2.00PM

Service Location

Dowler's Funeral Home, 227 Main Street, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh, BT92 0JH


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Dowler Funeral Services

7 Cherryhill - Gortacharn,
Co. Fermanagh

028 6772 2471

View Directory Profile