Latest Sympathy Notices

Deeply regretted by his niece Violet, husband Gary and family.
Safe in the arms of Jesus.
God Bless. Thursday 04 April 2019

Deeply regretted by his sister, Margaret and nephew, Troy.
In God's keeping but always in our hearts. Thursday 04 April 2019

Remembered always by his niece Lynn, her husband John and children Harmony, Jude and Seth.
Safe in the arms of Jesus. Thursday 04 April 2019

Deeply regretted by sister Violet, husband Brian, and son Alan.
Years slip gently by, but love and memories never die.
God bless. Thursday 04 April 2019

Deeply regretted by sister Mabel and husband Eddie.
Be still and know that I am God. Thursday 04 April 2019

Deeply regretted by sister Marie, husband David, niece Heather and family.
God holds you in His arms, we hold you in our hearts.
God bless. Thursday 04 April 2019
