Latest Sympathy Notices

Avril Watson was a woman ahead of her time. Nowadays when the advancement and empowerment of women is so much in the headlines, Avril pioneered and spearheaded women’s services here in Coleraine in the late 1980’s.
From its humble beginnings as a charity shop/drop-in advice centre, Avril and a trusty few colleagues fundraised and year upon year sought funding to consolidate, develop and grow into the multi-disciplined Causeway Women’s Aid Centre we have today. Her message was and remains that every woman is valued as someone of worth and given time, tools and opportunities can be the best version of themselves; to be whomever they wanted to be. Women who could influence and inspire those around them.
But it wasn’t just the parochial narrative Avril recognised but a conversation that was needed on a global scale. She was a member of the Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform and attended the international Women’s World Conference as a Non Governmental Officer when it was held in Beijing some years back.
Coleraine Women’s Aid as we know it today owes much to the defining perseverance and resilience that was Avril Watson - as indeed do I and many others.
To her beloved family: Audrey, Luke, Reuben, Marlene, grandson Levi and great-granddaughter Sofia, my deepest sympathy on Avril’s passing.
All of our lives are so much richer for having known her. Time slips past but memories last. Thursday 22 August 2019 Marleen Rajan, Former work colleague and friend, Coleraine
