Latest Sympathy Notices

To Stephen, Ellie, Ben and Stewart,

May I express deepest sympathies from all of us at easyJet on the untimely passing of your mother and partner and our dear friend and colleague, Tracy.

We were very lucky to have had the privilege of working with such a wonderful, caring and compassionate lady. She brought laughter whenever she came in to work and spoke so highly of all her family that we felt like we knew you so so well even though we never met . She was just so proud of all of you and so happy which was something she passed on in spades. Her care and attention in looking after all our new pilots and cabin crew made her the person who everybody felt they could go to when they needed help getting sorted out when they arrived in Belfast. She is very much in our hearts as you all are and her memory will remain with us for a very long time.
Goodbye to a wonderful friend & colleague.

May she rest in peace. Monday 03 January 2022 David Kelly - Base Captain Easyjet Belfast

To my beautiful, strong, kind and funny friend. We will miss you so much.
We will love you for ever.
Always in our hearts
Love Liz and George xx Monday 03 January 2022 Liz and George
