McClenaghan, Robert John- Died 1/2/22. Greatly missed by his grand-daughter Lindsay and her partner Euan.
"The loss is immeasurable, but so is the love left behind"
Monday 07 February 2022
Lindsay and her partner Euan
McClenaghan, Robert John- Died 1st February 2022. Much loved by granddaughter Lee, her husband Liam and their children Dara and Jess.
‘Today, tomorrow, our whole lives through, we will love and remember you.’
Thursday 03 February 2022
McCLENAGHAN Robert John died 1st February 2022 peacefully at hospital. Will be deeply missed by son Robin and partner Miriam.
Close to our hearts he will always stay,
loved and remembered every day.
Thursday 03 February 2022
My late Mum's dear friend RJ.
You were a gentleman and always joking, loved our wee lunches and stories in the Regency RIP xo
Thursday 03 February 2022
Louise Veighey (Langford)