Latest Sympathy Notices

Jim will be sadly missed by all his friends in St Agnes' Choral Society. As a stage performer he was a backbone of the chorus for many years, though he could handle a part when needed. His stature within the group made it absolutely right for the society to elect him as President. He fulfilled this role with the same gentle kindness and encouragement that earned him many friends. One chorus member related a story which illustrates how thoughtful Jim was. The director had asked this man to carry a heavy lantern in a particularly long scene and emphasised that it must be still and held high - a tricky task. But ever-resourceful Jim made a splint for under the chap's costume which allowed the lantern to click into place and remain stationary for as long as necessary. To Loretta and family our thoughts and prayers are with you. The heavenly choir will be stronger with Jim on the team. Tuesday 22 March 2016 St Agnes' Choral Society
