Latest Sympathy Notices

The Officers and Members of Ballykeel RBP 784 deeply regret the death of the sister of their highly esteemed Members Sir Knts. Norman and Ian Pearson, nephews Sir Knts. Richard and Mark Pearson and tender their deepest sympathy to the family circle.
William McAndrews W.M. Tuesday 28 June 2016 Ballykeel RBP 784

The Worshipful Master and Brethren of Craigantlet Masonic Lodge of Friendship No. 486 convey their deepest sympathy to Worshipful Brother Roy Shaw on the passing of his wife Betty and to Worshipful Brother Norman Pearson on the passing of his sister.
M. Robson, W.M. Tuesday 28 June 2016 Craigantlet Masonic Lodge of Friendship No. 486

The Officers and Members of Ballykeel Defenders LOL 417 deeply regret the death of the sister of their highly esteemed Members Bros. Norman, Ian and Alan Pearson, nephews Bros. Richard, Mark, Philip and Michael Pearson and tender their deepest sympahy to the family circle.
John Galway W.M. Tuesday 28 June 2016 Ballykeel Defenders LOL 417
