Latest Sympathy Notices

Deeply regretted by daughter Jacqueline, partner Colin and grandchildren Leanne, Graham and families.
You fell asleep with no goodbyes
but memories of you will never die. Monday 09 April 2018

Sorely missed by son Philip, daughter-in-law Christina and grandsons Mark, Owen and Cain.
We will never cease to miss you, we will never cease to care,
in a special corner of our hearts you will live forever there. Monday 09 April 2018

Sadly missed by daughter Pauline and son-in-law Ian.
To have you for my mother was cause enough for pride,
no-one could be your equal, however much they tried.
I lost a mum in a million, I loved her to the end,
I lost two precious things that day, my mum and my best friend. Monday 09 April 2018

Sadly missed by granddaughter Nicola and partner Garry and great-granddaughter Rihanna.
No farewells were spoken, no time to say goodbye,
you were gone before we knew it and only God knows why. Monday 09 April 2018

Sadly missed by son Stephen, wife Margaret and family.
It's only good night dear mother, just like we used to say,
we'll meet again in the morning, at the dawn of a brighter day. Monday 09 April 2018
