Latest Sympathy Notices
Thanks for the memories Riddler, hope they play cricket and table tennis in Heaven. R.I.P.
Martin Hawthorne and families.
Friday 10 April 2020
Will be sadly missed by brother-in-law Derek, sister-in-law Helen, niece Nicola and family.
We send our deepest sympathy to the Irvine family circle.
Will be fondly remembered.
Friday 10 April 2020
Deeply regretted by DYM Golf Society.
Condolences to our friend David and his family on the passing of his father from all the members of DYM Golf Society.
Thursday 09 April 2020
7th April 2020. Granda David, You will be missed very very much.
You were always someone special,
someone kind and true,
you will never be forgotten,
for we thought the world of you.
Love you now and always. Colin, Lisa, Aimee and Callum xxxx
Grandson Colin and family
Wednesday 08 April 2020
Irvine, David Riddell,
Much loved brother of Margaret Rose Stewart. Uncle of Ingrid, Alistair and Andrew.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by all.
Just a prayer from those who loved you,
just a memory fond and true,
in our hearts you will live forever,
because we thought the world of you.
Margaret Stewart (sister)
Wednesday 08 April 2020
Died April 7, 2020. Dearly loved by his granddaughter Claire and great-grandchildren Spencer and Darcey. A light from our family is gone, a voice is still, a place is vacant in our hearts no-one can ever fill.
Tuesday 07 April 2020
Died April 7, 2020. We can’t have old days back when we were all together, but secret tears and loving thoughts will be with us forever. Son Philip, daughter-in-law Deidre, grandchildren Colin, Jonathan, Claire, Nicola, Molly and Andrew; granddaughters-in-law Lisa and Kathy; grandson-in-law Malachy and all the great-grandchildren.
Tuesday 07 April 2020
Died April 7, 2020. Time slips past but memories last. Your loving son David, partner Sue and family.
Love you dad.
Tuesday 07 April 2020
See more sympathy notices