Latest Sympathy Notices
Deeply regretted by his sister-in-law Lily Baine and children Barbara, Joyce, Jim and families.
The Lord is my Shepherd.
Thursday 07 May 2020
Throughout the past number of years, you fought long and hard to overcome health issues, you had endured enough suffering and now you are set free from all pain.
Those family members that have gone before you, you will now be reunited with.
Rest peacefully.
Much-loved uncle to Sonia and Reece and beloved brother to Freddie and John.
Thursday 07 May 2020
Deeply regretted by his brother-in-Law Andy Baine, wife Jeanette and family.
Deep are the memories and precious they stay.
Thursday 07 May 2020
Will be sadly missed by nieces Anne, Jean, Sandra and Georgie, daughters of his sister-in-Law; the late Belle Hutton.
Sweet are the memories silently kept.
Thursday 07 May 2020
Lovingly remembered by his niece Edith, Husband Don and Family (Canada).
Loving memories we have of you will remain with us forever.
Thursday 07 May 2020
Deeply regretted by niece Stephanie, husband Alan and son Jaedyn.
Silent thoughts of times together,
hold memories that will last forever.
Wednesday 06 May 2020
See more sympathy notices