The death has occurred of:
Diarmuid Mullan
We the family of the late Diarmuid Mullan wish to express our sincere thanks to all who sympathised with us during our bereavement. We would like to thank our extended family, friends and neighbours who , sent mass cards and sympathy cards and messages on line.
We gratefully appreciate all the kindness and support received at this difficult time. Thanks to all who attended the wake and funeral mass.
A special thanks to Fr Seamus Kelly for celebrating the beautiful requiem mass and we extend our thanks to Fr Joseph for his presence and prayers receiving Diarmuid into the church the night before the funeral. Thanks to Martin and Joelene for the beautiful music and singing and Eugene playing the organ. Many thanks to Annie Jo, the alter servers and the grave digger and all who played a part in the funeral mass.
A special thanks to McLaughlin funeral directors, Seamus Deborah and Eugene for the dignified, compassionate and respectful way in which they carried out their duties throughout.
Many thanks to St Canices GAC for providing the warm refreshments after the funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation at this sad time
Diarmuid 's Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 2nd December @ 6pm vigil Mass.