Donna CASSIDY (née McGuinness)



Donna CASSIDY (née McGuinness)

Died 25th October 2024

Donna's husband John (Jock), daughters Bonnie and Emily, and the entire family circle wish to express their sincere gratitude to all those who sympathised with them on the sad loss of a wonderful wife, mother, sister and friend.

Thank you to everyone who attended the wake and funeral, sent mass cards, brought food, particularly the Magnet, Nearby Stores Culmore, Patricia's Coffee Shop, Aidan and everyone who helped with tea and refreshments during the wake.

Special thanks to our wonderful neighbours, especially Michele, who provided Donna with the Eucharist on a daily basis and to John Hannaway (JJ Construction).

Special thanks to Bradley's Chemist, Culmore and Belmont Pharmacy, Culmore Road.

We express our heartfelt thanks to all the staff of Ward 50 Altnagelvin Hospital, the doctors, nurses and entire staff of Foyle Hospice and the district nurses who attended Donna on a regular basis.

Many thanks to Fr. McDevitt, Fr. Clerkin, Fr. McFaul and Fr. Mongan for their frequent hospice and home visits. We also convey our sincere gratitude to Fr. McFaul and Fr. Mongan for such a moving celebration of Donna's Requiem Mass, along with the most artistic music and singing from Aidan and Anne-Marie.

To Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors for their sincere grace, understanding, their sensitive and professional arrangements, especially Kieran, who is a credit to his profession.

Also, our genuine thanks to the grave diggers in the City Cemetery.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this heart felt acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.

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Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors

31 William Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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[email protected]
028 7126 4467
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The death has occurred of:
Donna CASSIDY (née McGuinness)


Donna CASSIDY (née McGuinness)

Died 25th October 2024

Donna's husband John (Jock), daughters Bonnie and Emily, and the entire family circle wish to express their sincere gratitude to all those who sympathised with them on the sad loss of a wonderful wife, mother, sister and friend.

Thank you to everyone who attended the wake and funeral, sent mass cards, brought food, particularly the Magnet, Nearby Stores Culmore, Patricia's Coffee Shop, Aidan and everyone who helped with tea and refreshments during the wake.

Special thanks to our wonderful neighbours, especially Michele, who provided Donna with the Eucharist on a daily basis and to John Hannaway (JJ Construction).

Special thanks to Bradley's Chemist, Culmore and Belmont Pharmacy, Culmore Road.

We express our heartfelt thanks to all the staff of Ward 50 Altnagelvin Hospital, the doctors, nurses and entire staff of Foyle Hospice and the district nurses who attended Donna on a regular basis.

Many thanks to Fr. McDevitt, Fr. Clerkin, Fr. McFaul and Fr. Mongan for their frequent hospice and home visits. We also convey our sincere gratitude to Fr. McFaul and Fr. Mongan for such a moving celebration of Donna's Requiem Mass, along with the most artistic music and singing from Aidan and Anne-Marie.

To Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors for their sincere grace, understanding, their sensitive and professional arrangements, especially Kieran, who is a credit to his profession.

Also, our genuine thanks to the grave diggers in the City Cemetery.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this heart felt acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors

31 William Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

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028 7126 4467

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