Elizabeth “Lizzie” McVeigh (née Toal )


The daughters and son of the late Elizabeth “Lizzie” McVeigh would like to thank everyone who extended their sympathy to us during our recent and sad bereavement of our dearly loved mother and grandmother.

Thank you to the Doctors and Nurses of the North West Cancer Centre, Belfast City Hospital, Dr Kyle the District Nursing team and staff of Dungiven Health Centre, Foyle Hospice , Marie Curie, the Community Carer’s and McDaids Chemist for all their care and attention given to Lizzie during her illness.

Thank you to everyone who called at the wake, and attended the funeral, to all who brought Mass cards, sent sympathy cards, messages, phone calls, floral tributes and gifts of food or helped us in anyway.  

We are very thankful to Fr Joseph Varghese for his presence and prayers and for celebrating the Requiem Mass. We extend our thanks to Fr Seamus Kelly for his blessings and visits to Lizzie whilst in hospital.
Thank you to Annie Jo the church Sacristan and the altar servers.

A special thank you to Joelene Grieve and Martin Kealey for their beautiful singing and music during the Requiem Mass.

Thank you to Sean Mullan for carefully preparing the final resting place.

We extend our thanks to Cathals Flowers for the lovely funeral flowers and Martin Myles for the traffic control.

Many thanks to the staff at the  Benedy Hall and Enda Kealey for providing the lovely refreshments after the funeral.

We thank Deborah, Seamus , Eugene and Paddy for their help, care and attention with carrying out the wake and funeral arrangements as we wished.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we hope you accept this acknowledgements as a token of our sincere gratitude to you all.

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McLaughlin Funeral Directors Ltd

414A Ballyquin Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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[email protected]
07747046084 or 07840052022
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The death has occurred of:
Elizabeth “Lizzie” McVeigh (née Toal )

The daughters and son of the late Elizabeth “Lizzie” McVeigh would like to thank everyone who extended their sympathy to us during our recent and sad bereavement of our dearly loved mother and grandmother.

Thank you to the Doctors and Nurses of the North West Cancer Centre, Belfast City Hospital, Dr Kyle the District Nursing team and staff of Dungiven Health Centre, Foyle Hospice , Marie Curie, the Community Carer’s and McDaids Chemist for all their care and attention given to Lizzie during her illness.

Thank you to everyone who called at the wake, and attended the funeral, to all who brought Mass cards, sent sympathy cards, messages, phone calls, floral tributes and gifts of food or helped us in anyway.  

We are very thankful to Fr Joseph Varghese for his presence and prayers and for celebrating the Requiem Mass. We extend our thanks to Fr Seamus Kelly for his blessings and visits to Lizzie whilst in hospital.
Thank you to Annie Jo the church Sacristan and the altar servers.

A special thank you to Joelene Grieve and Martin Kealey for their beautiful singing and music during the Requiem Mass.

Thank you to Sean Mullan for carefully preparing the final resting place.

We extend our thanks to Cathals Flowers for the lovely funeral flowers and Martin Myles for the traffic control.

Many thanks to the staff at the  Benedy Hall and Enda Kealey for providing the lovely refreshments after the funeral.

We thank Deborah, Seamus , Eugene and Paddy for their help, care and attention with carrying out the wake and funeral arrangements as we wished.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we hope you accept this acknowledgements as a token of our sincere gratitude to you all.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

McLaughlin Funeral Directors Ltd

414A Ballyquin Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

07747046084 or 07840052022

View Directory Profile