Elizabeth McKAY (RUC GC) (née Houston)

McKAY, Elizabeth (Liz, nee Houston, RUC GC)

Husband Tom, daughter Jill (McCamley) Son Roy and the wider family circle of the late Elizabeth McKay would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. We gratefully acknowledge the overwhelming support received from so many family and friends.

To those who sent cards, telephoned, provided food, sent messages of sympathy and flowers, attended the wake or funeral and to those who stood along the funeral route to pay their respects. The family are also very grateful for the generous charitable donations received in memory of Dementia Northern Ireland.

A special thanks to the Ambulance Service, Nurses and Doctors of Craigavon Area Hospital whose professionalism and compassionate care ensured these last few days of Elizabeth's life were comfortable and peaceful

Sincere thanks to Rev Stuart Hawthorne for his attendance with the family and pastoral care over this difficult time and for conducting a lovely funeral service.

To Mr Carl McCambley for providing the music at the funeral service.

Finally, a special word of thanks to Mr Ronnie Russell of 'Ronnie Russell Funeral Services' for conducting the funeral in such a professional manner and for the compassion and care shown to the family at this very difficult time.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our sincere appreciation.

McKay family, Waringstown

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Ronnie Russell Funeral Director

59 Waringstown Road,
Co. Armagh
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028 3834 7386
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The death has occurred of:
Elizabeth McKAY (RUC GC) (née Houston)

McKAY, Elizabeth (Liz, nee Houston, RUC GC)

Husband Tom, daughter Jill (McCamley) Son Roy and the wider family circle of the late Elizabeth McKay would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. We gratefully acknowledge the overwhelming support received from so many family and friends.

To those who sent cards, telephoned, provided food, sent messages of sympathy and flowers, attended the wake or funeral and to those who stood along the funeral route to pay their respects. The family are also very grateful for the generous charitable donations received in memory of Dementia Northern Ireland.

A special thanks to the Ambulance Service, Nurses and Doctors of Craigavon Area Hospital whose professionalism and compassionate care ensured these last few days of Elizabeth's life were comfortable and peaceful

Sincere thanks to Rev Stuart Hawthorne for his attendance with the family and pastoral care over this difficult time and for conducting a lovely funeral service.

To Mr Carl McCambley for providing the music at the funeral service.

Finally, a special word of thanks to Mr Ronnie Russell of 'Ronnie Russell Funeral Services' for conducting the funeral in such a professional manner and for the compassion and care shown to the family at this very difficult time.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our sincere appreciation.

McKay family, Waringstown

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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Ronnie Russell Funeral Director

59 Waringstown Road,
Co. Armagh

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028 3834 7386

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