The death has occurred of

Evelyn Robinson (Garvagh)


Funeral arrangements for the late Evelyn Robinson R.I.P. Died 7th December 2024 (Garvagh)

N.B. House strictly private as per Evelyn’s wishes.

Peacefully at home Evelyn R.I.P. beloved wife of Gerry; loving mother of Sarah, Patrick, Barney, Julie (Jack), Claire (McLaughlin), Kevin and the late Adrian; a dear mother-in-law; a much adored nanny of Damien, Aaron, Eunan, Ursula, Danielle, Eamon, Christopher, Demi, Aileen, Deaglan, Conor, Caoimhe, Shea, Mila, Caiden, Brody and Finn and a great grandmother.

Removal from her late residence, 443 Houston Crescent, on Monday evening at 6:30pm to St. Mary’s Church, Ballerin (arriving approx. 7pm). Requiem Mass on Tuesday at 11am followed by interment in adjoining cemetery.

St Pio pray for her.

Deeply regretted by the entire Robinson family circle.

No flowers please. Donations if desired to Marie Curie can be made online at or payable to McKiernan & Sons, 45-47 Maghera Street, Kilrea. BT51 5QL.

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McKiernan & Sons Funeral Directors

45-47 Maghera Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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028 2954 0698/07515 746541
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The death has occurred of:
Evelyn Robinson (Garvagh)

Funeral arrangements for the late Evelyn Robinson R.I.P. Died 7th December 2024 (Garvagh)

N.B. House strictly private as per Evelyn’s wishes.

Peacefully at home Evelyn R.I.P. beloved wife of Gerry; loving mother of Sarah, Patrick, Barney, Julie (Jack), Claire (McLaughlin), Kevin and the late Adrian; a dear mother-in-law; a much adored nanny of Damien, Aaron, Eunan, Ursula, Danielle, Eamon, Christopher, Demi, Aileen, Deaglan, Conor, Caoimhe, Shea, Mila, Caiden, Brody and Finn and a great grandmother.

Removal from her late residence, 443 Houston Crescent, on Monday evening at 6:30pm to St. Mary’s Church, Ballerin (arriving approx. 7pm). Requiem Mass on Tuesday at 11am followed by interment in adjoining cemetery.

St Pio pray for her.

Deeply regretted by the entire Robinson family circle.

No flowers please. Donations if desired to Marie Curie can be made online at or payable to McKiernan & Sons, 45-47 Maghera Street, Kilrea. BT51 5QL.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

McKiernan & Sons Funeral Directors

45-47 Maghera Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

028 2954 0698/07515 746541

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