The death has occurred of:
Jimmy WEIR
Month's Mind Mass/Acknowledgement
Jimmy Weir
Died 6th January 2024
The family of the late Jimmy Weir would like to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them in their recent loss. We are deeply grateful to family, friends, comrades, and neighbours who called to the house, sent cards and messages, flowers, and attended the funeral, thank you.
A special thanks to Fr Joe Gormley for prayers and spiritual guidance and to Fr Kevin Mulhern for carrying out the service.
Thanks to the musicians Isobel and Sinead for the music at the funeral.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the staff of Ward 41, Oakleaf Medical, Foyle Hospice and Marie Curie for the care of Jimmy. We would also like to thank the Irish Army UN veterans for carrying out the military service.
To those who have gone unmentioned but have helped out or offered support, please know it hasn’t gone unnoticed and we are extremely grateful.
Thanks to Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors for their excellent professional service.
The months mind mass will be celebrated on Saturday 3rd February at 6 pm in Holy Family Chapel.