
The family of the late Joan Deeny of Ballyrory would like to express their sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who offered sympathy and kindness during this recent difficult time. Thanks to those who shared our loss, attended the wake and funeral, sent cards and offered sympathy.
A special word of thanks to Father O’Kane and McLaughlin Funeral Directors for the comfort and support given to the family, especially the beautiful Requiem Mass. We also deeply appreciate the wonderful music provided by Donal Doherty and the soloist Kitty and the support of Alison O’Neill and her team who provided the lovely refreshments afterwards.
Furthermore, we would also like to acknowledge the care provided to Joan over the last few years. Specifically, the staff of Leonard Cheshire House, Derry who cared so deeply for Joan’s needs. The family is forever grateful for your dedication and attentiveness plus the help and support of the Western Trust Community Health and Social Services. We would also like to thank the staff in the Emergency Department and Ward 22 Altnagelvin Area Hospital. The consideration and compassion both Joan and the family received during the most difficult of times provided such comfort.

We hope this acknowledgment can be accepted as a token of our heartfelt thanks and appreciation.

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McLaughlin Funeral Directors Ltd

414A Ballyquin Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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[email protected]
07747046084 or 07840052022
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The death has occurred of:
Joan Deeny

The family of the late Joan Deeny of Ballyrory would like to express their sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who offered sympathy and kindness during this recent difficult time. Thanks to those who shared our loss, attended the wake and funeral, sent cards and offered sympathy.
A special word of thanks to Father O’Kane and McLaughlin Funeral Directors for the comfort and support given to the family, especially the beautiful Requiem Mass. We also deeply appreciate the wonderful music provided by Donal Doherty and the soloist Kitty and the support of Alison O’Neill and her team who provided the lovely refreshments afterwards.
Furthermore, we would also like to acknowledge the care provided to Joan over the last few years. Specifically, the staff of Leonard Cheshire House, Derry who cared so deeply for Joan’s needs. The family is forever grateful for your dedication and attentiveness plus the help and support of the Western Trust Community Health and Social Services. We would also like to thank the staff in the Emergency Department and Ward 22 Altnagelvin Area Hospital. The consideration and compassion both Joan and the family received during the most difficult of times provided such comfort.

We hope this acknowledgment can be accepted as a token of our heartfelt thanks and appreciation.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

McLaughlin Funeral Directors Ltd

414A Ballyquin Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

07747046084 or 07840052022

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