
John Lawlor
Mountview Drive, Lisnaskea & Coolcrannel Square, Maguiresbridge.
We, the family of the late John Lawlor, wish to express our deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all who sympathised, prayed for and supported us on the loss of our beloved father, grandfather and brother who died on the 7th October 2024.
Sincere thanks to our relatives and neighbours who helped in so many ways; to all those who attended the wake and funeral, to the neighbours in Coolcrannel Square, who stood out when he came home on Tuesday evening and again on Wednesday and to those who stood out along the route to Holy Cross Church; to the PSNI for directing traffic and allowing the cortege to stay together; to those relatives and friends who were not able to attend the funeral but celebrated his life online; to those who brought food, sent cards, phoned and left messages online.
Sincere thanks to the medical team that cared for John, in particular the Maple Group Practice and Dr John Porteous, the staff on Ward 8 SWAH, his Carers, District Nursing, Rapid Response, Marie Curie who all looked after him during his ill health with such dignity.
We especially would like to thank Canon Jimmy Mc Phillips for administering the Sacrament of the Sick and for the spiritual & practical support he offered John and the family in his final days and for the uplifting Funeral Mass which so accurately reflected his life.
We extend our thanks to Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they handled his funeral arrangements and to the grave digger for preparing John's final resting place. Thanks to Irene's flowers for the beautiful floral arrangements. Thanks to Jim McElroy, sacristan of Holy Cross Church Lisnaskea and to all those who took part in the Liturgy. To Saint Kevin's College, Lisnaskea for providing a Guard of Honour, the Eucharistic Ministers, readers, Marie & Ava Reidy, his niece and grandniece, who provided such beautiful singing. Thank you to Rory & Joanne, Dominic & Martina Curran and the staff in The Oak Barrell, Lisnaskea for providing the refreshments after the burial.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our deepest gratitude for your kindness and support. John’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 10th November in Holy Cross Church, Lisnaskea at 11am.

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

10 November 2024, 11.00AM



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Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors

Co. Fermanagh
[email protected]
028 677 22085
Fax: 02867723249
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The death has occurred of:
John Lawlor

John Lawlor
Mountview Drive, Lisnaskea & Coolcrannel Square, Maguiresbridge.
We, the family of the late John Lawlor, wish to express our deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all who sympathised, prayed for and supported us on the loss of our beloved father, grandfather and brother who died on the 7th October 2024.
Sincere thanks to our relatives and neighbours who helped in so many ways; to all those who attended the wake and funeral, to the neighbours in Coolcrannel Square, who stood out when he came home on Tuesday evening and again on Wednesday and to those who stood out along the route to Holy Cross Church; to the PSNI for directing traffic and allowing the cortege to stay together; to those relatives and friends who were not able to attend the funeral but celebrated his life online; to those who brought food, sent cards, phoned and left messages online.
Sincere thanks to the medical team that cared for John, in particular the Maple Group Practice and Dr John Porteous, the staff on Ward 8 SWAH, his Carers, District Nursing, Rapid Response, Marie Curie who all looked after him during his ill health with such dignity.
We especially would like to thank Canon Jimmy Mc Phillips for administering the Sacrament of the Sick and for the spiritual & practical support he offered John and the family in his final days and for the uplifting Funeral Mass which so accurately reflected his life.
We extend our thanks to Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they handled his funeral arrangements and to the grave digger for preparing John's final resting place. Thanks to Irene's flowers for the beautiful floral arrangements. Thanks to Jim McElroy, sacristan of Holy Cross Church Lisnaskea and to all those who took part in the Liturgy. To Saint Kevin's College, Lisnaskea for providing a Guard of Honour, the Eucharistic Ministers, readers, Marie & Ava Reidy, his niece and grandniece, who provided such beautiful singing. Thank you to Rory & Joanne, Dominic & Martina Curran and the staff in The Oak Barrell, Lisnaskea for providing the refreshments after the burial.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our deepest gratitude for your kindness and support. John’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 10th November in Holy Cross Church, Lisnaskea at 11am.


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

10 November 2024, 11.00AM


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors

Co. Fermanagh

028 677 22085


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