Joseph (Jody) Donnelly

The Family of the late Joseph (Jody) Donnelly of Roskeen, Derrylaughan, wish to Thank everyone who assisted them with their recent bereavement and those who called to the house, especially Canon Benny Fee for the funeral service, Siobhan Robinson for the singing at the Funeral Mass, Patsy Taggart Funeral Director, The Grave Digger, Derrylaughan Kevin Barry’s GFC for the use of the hall, and Stephen Hughes for the food afterwards.

Month's mind for Jody is on Tuesday 3rd January in Brockagh Chapel at 7.30pm.

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Patsy Taggart Funeral Directors

43 Drummurrer Lane,
Co. Tyrone
[email protected]
028 8774 0137 / 07771855253
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The death has occurred of:
Joseph (Jody) Donnelly

The Family of the late Joseph (Jody) Donnelly of Roskeen, Derrylaughan, wish to Thank everyone who assisted them with their recent bereavement and those who called to the house, especially Canon Benny Fee for the funeral service, Siobhan Robinson for the singing at the Funeral Mass, Patsy Taggart Funeral Director, The Grave Digger, Derrylaughan Kevin Barry’s GFC for the use of the hall, and Stephen Hughes for the food afterwards.

Month's mind for Jody is on Tuesday 3rd January in Brockagh Chapel at 7.30pm.

Funeral Details


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Patsy Taggart Funeral Directors

43 Drummurrer Lane,
Co. Tyrone

028 8774 0137 / 07771855253

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