
David, Eleanor, and Family Circle of the late Lily McFarlane, who passed away 3rd September 2023, wish to thank all those who sympathised with us and supported us during the bereavement, to those who called at Lily’s home, attended the funeral, sent sympathy cards, messages on social media, and gave donations to Marie Curie totaling £1845.
Also, an additional £1800 was donated to Marie Curie from family fundraising.

A special mention of thanks to the NHS Domiciliary Care workers, Acute Care at Home Team, Enable Care Services, Marie Curie, Mid Ulster Surgery, Moy district nurses, Gordons Chemist Gortmerron, Hilary, Marie, Roisin, Marlene, Nicola, Geraldine, and all Lily’s neighbours for the constant support throughout her illness.

Thanks to Rev. Ewart for conducting the funeral service, the organist, gravedigger, caterers, and soloist Wendy Coleman.

Finally, our deepest thanks to David Cranston, Funeral Director, who carried out the funeral arrangements in a dignified and professional manner.

We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere gratitude.

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Holmes of Dungannon - and - D. Cranston Funeral Director, Moy

Tyrone House - 2 Ballygawley Road Dungannon BT70 1EL -and- 13 Main Street Charlemont Moy BT71 7SF,
Co. Tyrone
Visit Website
[email protected]
028 8775 2212 / 07709 468 854
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The death has occurred of:

David, Eleanor, and Family Circle of the late Lily McFarlane, who passed away 3rd September 2023, wish to thank all those who sympathised with us and supported us during the bereavement, to those who called at Lily’s home, attended the funeral, sent sympathy cards, messages on social media, and gave donations to Marie Curie totaling £1845.
Also, an additional £1800 was donated to Marie Curie from family fundraising.

A special mention of thanks to the NHS Domiciliary Care workers, Acute Care at Home Team, Enable Care Services, Marie Curie, Mid Ulster Surgery, Moy district nurses, Gordons Chemist Gortmerron, Hilary, Marie, Roisin, Marlene, Nicola, Geraldine, and all Lily’s neighbours for the constant support throughout her illness.

Thanks to Rev. Ewart for conducting the funeral service, the organist, gravedigger, caterers, and soloist Wendy Coleman.

Finally, our deepest thanks to David Cranston, Funeral Director, who carried out the funeral arrangements in a dignified and professional manner.

We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere gratitude.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Holmes of Dungannon - and - D. Cranston Funeral Director, Moy

Tyrone House - 2 Ballygawley Road Dungannon BT70 1EL -and- 13 Main Street Charlemont Moy BT71 7SF,
Co. Tyrone

Visit Website

028 8775 2212 / 07709 468 854

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