Manus (Hugh) McDAID


Acknowledgment/Month's Mind Mass
Manus (Hugh) McDaid
Died 6th December 2023

We the family of the late Manus McDaid would like to offer our sincere heartfelt thanks for all of the kindness, love and sympathy we received during our recent sad bereavement of our beloved husband, daddy, grandfather, brother and uncle.

To all our extended family, friends, neighbours and colleagues who supported us and shared stories throughout Manus’s wake and funeral. Special thanks to John for his unwavering support and to all and all those who came to the wake, brought and served food, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, and attended the funeral. Thank you to Patricia Mahon for providing beautiful food. All of your support, prayers and thoughts were very much appreciated.

We would like to thank all those who cared for Manus, especially the WHSCT Respiratory Team and all the staff at A&E and Ward 26 Altnagelvin Hospital.

We would like to thank Father Stephen Ward for celebrating the beautiful requiem mass, Fr McFaul at Altnagelvin and to Fr McCaughey for visiting our home and providing comfort and spiritual support to Manus and our family. Thank you to Isobel for the comforting singing and music at the mass and to the piper Bertie.

We are also very grateful to the staff of Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors for their diligent professionalism in carrying out the funeral arrangements.

Special thanks to the Republican Movement in Derry, for their assistance throughout and for the great respect bestowed on our Daddy, his coffin draped with our national flag, and for Pearse’s music at the graveside, for this we are eternally grateful.

Although it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of the family’s deep appreciation.

We are forever grateful.

The month’s mind mass for Manus will be celebrated at 10.00am on Sunday 7th January 2024 in the Long Tower Church. All welcome.

It broke our hearts to lose you
But you didn’t go alone.
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.

Our Lady of Lourdes pray for him
St Pio intercede for him
Love is Eternal

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

07 January 2024, 10.00AM

Service Live Stream



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Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors

31 William Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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028 7126 4467
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The death has occurred of:
Manus (Hugh) McDAID

Acknowledgment/Month's Mind Mass
Manus (Hugh) McDaid
Died 6th December 2023

We the family of the late Manus McDaid would like to offer our sincere heartfelt thanks for all of the kindness, love and sympathy we received during our recent sad bereavement of our beloved husband, daddy, grandfather, brother and uncle.

To all our extended family, friends, neighbours and colleagues who supported us and shared stories throughout Manus’s wake and funeral. Special thanks to John for his unwavering support and to all and all those who came to the wake, brought and served food, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, and attended the funeral. Thank you to Patricia Mahon for providing beautiful food. All of your support, prayers and thoughts were very much appreciated.

We would like to thank all those who cared for Manus, especially the WHSCT Respiratory Team and all the staff at A&E and Ward 26 Altnagelvin Hospital.

We would like to thank Father Stephen Ward for celebrating the beautiful requiem mass, Fr McFaul at Altnagelvin and to Fr McCaughey for visiting our home and providing comfort and spiritual support to Manus and our family. Thank you to Isobel for the comforting singing and music at the mass and to the piper Bertie.

We are also very grateful to the staff of Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors for their diligent professionalism in carrying out the funeral arrangements.

Special thanks to the Republican Movement in Derry, for their assistance throughout and for the great respect bestowed on our Daddy, his coffin draped with our national flag, and for Pearse’s music at the graveside, for this we are eternally grateful.

Although it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of the family’s deep appreciation.

We are forever grateful.

The month’s mind mass for Manus will be celebrated at 10.00am on Sunday 7th January 2024 in the Long Tower Church. All welcome.

It broke our hearts to lose you
But you didn’t go alone.
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.

Our Lady of Lourdes pray for him
St Pio intercede for him
Love is Eternal


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

07 January 2024, 10.00AM


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors

31 William Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

028 7126 4467

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