Latest Sympathy Notices
The Pastor and Family of God, Newtownards Road Elim Church, wish to express to Pastor Robert Ginn and Linda and family their deepest sympathy on the passing of their mother, Margaret.
Severed only till He come.
Newtownards Road Elim Church
Friday 02 October 2015
Deepest sympathy to the Ginn family, from the McComb, the Devine and the Jess families.
God Bless.
Thursday 01 October 2015
Died September 28, 2015, passed away peacefully. Deeply regretted by her loving son Trevor, grandchildren Andrew, Leah, Trevor, Matthew and Emma, also her great-grandchildren Kenzie and Mason.
Gone but not forgotten xx.
Tuesday 29 September 2015
Died September 28, 2015, Passed away peacefully. Deeply regretted by her loving son Robert, daughter-in-law Linda, grandsons Robert and Peter.
Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of His saints. Psalm 116 v .15.
Tuesday 29 September 2015
Died September 28, 2015, Passed away peacefully. Deeply regretted by her loving daughter Lorraine, son-in-law Michael, grandson Darren and Laura.
Safe in the arms of Jesus.
Tuesday 29 September 2015
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