The death has occurred of

Margaret Ramona Nuala DEVLIN (née Hogg)

Devlin, Margaret Ramona Nuala (nee Hogg). Passed away on April 13th 2020 in hospital. Wife of the late Terry Devlin. Partner of Danny and loving mother of Tina, Christopher, Caroline and Melanie.

Funeral strictly private due to current restrictions.

Donations, if desired, can be made to R.V.H., care of James Brown & Sons, 139-141 Kingsway, Dunmurry BT17 9RY.

Sleep tight mummy.

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James Brown & Sons (Dunmurry)

139-141 Kingsway - Dunmurry,
Co. Antrim
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[email protected]
028 9061 7835
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The death has occurred of:
Margaret Ramona Nuala DEVLIN (née Hogg)

Devlin, Margaret Ramona Nuala (nee Hogg). Passed away on April 13th 2020 in hospital. Wife of the late Terry Devlin. Partner of Danny and loving mother of Tina, Christopher, Caroline and Melanie.

Funeral strictly private due to current restrictions.

Donations, if desired, can be made to R.V.H., care of James Brown & Sons, 139-141 Kingsway, Dunmurry BT17 9RY.

Sleep tight mummy.

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Kirwan Funeral Directors

James Brown & Sons (Dunmurry)

139-141 Kingsway - Dunmurry,
Co. Antrim

Visit Website

028 9061 7835

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