The death has occurred of:
Marian DEANE
We, the family of the late Marian Deane, wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who took the time to sympathise with us in our recent bereavement. We would like to thank everyone who helped during Marian's short illness, at her wake, those who sent mass cards and for all tributes on social media. We appreciate the kindness & support we received.
Thanks to all who attended the wake and Funeral Mass. A special thanks to Father McDevitt for the beautiful mass he conducted for Marian. Thanks to Fidelma McCormick for the wonderful music and to all those who contributed to the Requiem Mass.
A special word of thanks to all the people who cared for Marian with the utmost compassion during her illness, both in Altnagelvin and particularly the Foyle Hospice.
We extend our gratitude and thanks to W J O'Brien & Son Funeral Directors, Eglinton, for the dignified and professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements and for the support they provided to our family during this difficult time.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Marian’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 29th September in Our Lady of Lourdes, Steelstown at 7pm.