Martha (Maudi) Feathers


We the family of the late Martha Elizabeth (Maudi) Feathers wish to express our heartfelt appreciation and thanks to everyone who sympathised with us and offered their support during our recent bereavement.
For all who called at the house, attended the funeral, sent cards, letters and messages, gave donations, brought food and not forgetting everyone who worked tirelessly in the kitchen a very sincere thank you.
A special word of thanks to the doctors and nurses of the Sperrin Unit and Ward 32 Altnagelvin Hospital, the Rapid Response Team, Omagh, doctors and staff of Newtownstewart Medical Centre and the district nurses who cared for her in recent years.
Sincere thanks to the Reverend Sean McClafferty for a beautiful service and the support he provided at this difficult time.
We are grateful to His Grace, The Duke of Abercorn for the use of the Stables, the ladies of Baronscourt Parish Church who provided excellent refreshments after the funeral, also the organist and gravedigger.
Our sincere thanks to Armstrong Funeral Directors for their professional and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please except this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation.

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Robert Armstrong & Son Funeral Directors

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The death has occurred of:
Martha (Maudi) Feathers

We the family of the late Martha Elizabeth (Maudi) Feathers wish to express our heartfelt appreciation and thanks to everyone who sympathised with us and offered their support during our recent bereavement.
For all who called at the house, attended the funeral, sent cards, letters and messages, gave donations, brought food and not forgetting everyone who worked tirelessly in the kitchen a very sincere thank you.
A special word of thanks to the doctors and nurses of the Sperrin Unit and Ward 32 Altnagelvin Hospital, the Rapid Response Team, Omagh, doctors and staff of Newtownstewart Medical Centre and the district nurses who cared for her in recent years.
Sincere thanks to the Reverend Sean McClafferty for a beautiful service and the support he provided at this difficult time.
We are grateful to His Grace, The Duke of Abercorn for the use of the Stables, the ladies of Baronscourt Parish Church who provided excellent refreshments after the funeral, also the organist and gravedigger.
Our sincere thanks to Armstrong Funeral Directors for their professional and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please except this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Robert Armstrong & Son Funeral Directors

19 Mountjoy Road,
Co. Tyrone

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028 8224 0803

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