Mary Morris (née Browne)


Mary Morris (nee Browne)

Jacqueline, Fintan, Cahan, Shay and Cliona, wish to express their deep appreciation and sincere thanks for all the support shown following the loss of Mum, Mother-in-law, and Granny.
Sincere thanks to extended family, friends and neighbours who sympathised and offered support during this difficult time. Many thanks to all who attended the wake and funeral, your presence offered a great deal of comfort. Thank you to all who sent mass cards and brought food to the wake. A special word of thanks to everyone who helped in making tea for the duration of the wake, it is deeply appreciated.
Special thanks to McLaughlin funeral directors, Deborah, Seamus and Eugene, who carried out their duties in the most warm and friendly manner at this difficult time. Thank you for arranging the grave diggers, providing tea making facilities in the house and organising the refreshments in the hall, after the funeral mass.
Deepest appreciation to Fr McDevitt for spiritual support over this
difficult time and his consoling words at the requiem mass. Many thanks to Leesa, Michelle and Geraldine for the beautiful music.
A very special word of thanks to Ardlough Care Home, Drumahoe, for the wonderful and friendly care they provided for Mum during her 5 years in their care. It has been very much appreciated.
Thank you to the Doctors and staff of Ward 31, Altnagelvin hospital, who cared for Mum over the last few months and especially in her last 2 days.

It is impossible to thank everyone individually but hopefully this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation and gratitude.
Mum's months mind will be celebrated in St Mary's Church, Aughabrack, on Sunday 17th September 2023, at 10.30am mass.

"You were someone very special,
Someone kind and true,
Never a day goes by,
Without a thought of you."

Rest in Peace Mummy.

Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her soul,

Have you considered?

Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

17 September 2023, 10.30AM

Service Live Stream



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McLaughlin Funeral Directors Ltd

414A Ballyquin Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
Visit Website
[email protected]
07747046084 or 07840052022
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The death has occurred of:
Mary Morris (née Browne)

Mary Morris (nee Browne)

Jacqueline, Fintan, Cahan, Shay and Cliona, wish to express their deep appreciation and sincere thanks for all the support shown following the loss of Mum, Mother-in-law, and Granny.
Sincere thanks to extended family, friends and neighbours who sympathised and offered support during this difficult time. Many thanks to all who attended the wake and funeral, your presence offered a great deal of comfort. Thank you to all who sent mass cards and brought food to the wake. A special word of thanks to everyone who helped in making tea for the duration of the wake, it is deeply appreciated.
Special thanks to McLaughlin funeral directors, Deborah, Seamus and Eugene, who carried out their duties in the most warm and friendly manner at this difficult time. Thank you for arranging the grave diggers, providing tea making facilities in the house and organising the refreshments in the hall, after the funeral mass.
Deepest appreciation to Fr McDevitt for spiritual support over this
difficult time and his consoling words at the requiem mass. Many thanks to Leesa, Michelle and Geraldine for the beautiful music.
A very special word of thanks to Ardlough Care Home, Drumahoe, for the wonderful and friendly care they provided for Mum during her 5 years in their care. It has been very much appreciated.
Thank you to the Doctors and staff of Ward 31, Altnagelvin hospital, who cared for Mum over the last few months and especially in her last 2 days.

It is impossible to thank everyone individually but hopefully this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation and gratitude.
Mum's months mind will be celebrated in St Mary's Church, Aughabrack, on Sunday 17th September 2023, at 10.30am mass.

"You were someone very special,
Someone kind and true,
Never a day goes by,
Without a thought of you."

Rest in Peace Mummy.

Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her soul,


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

17 September 2023, 10.30AM


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

McLaughlin Funeral Directors Ltd

414A Ballyquin Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

07747046084 or 07840052022

View Directory Profile