The death has occurred of:
Michael (Mac) McAliskey
The family of Michael McAliskey (Lurgan) would like to express our sincere appreciation to his wider family ,friends, neighbours and work colleagues for all their love and support in his final days.
Special gratitude to the staff in the Cancer treatment Centre at the City Hospital Belfast, Dr Carr and all the staff of the Respiratory Ward Craigavon Hospital , Louise Donaldson and all the community Nursing team, Marie Curie nurses, MacMillan nurses and Southern trust carers for the professional and compassionate care that Michael received.
Thank you to all who called at the house, brought sympathy and mass cards and all who brought gifts of food.
A Special recognition and heartfelt thanks to Francie, Mary, Louise, Nicola and all at McAlinden and Murtagh Funeral Directors for their compassionate and enduring guidance and professionalism We will never forget the care and support given to us and the strength shown at our most difficult time.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as an expression of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.