
Month’s Mind Mass / Acknowledgement

Oran McClintock

Died 30th July 2024

With a broken heart, Oran’s mother Caroline and her children would like to express heartfelt thanks for the kindness and continued support shown to us as a family following the loss of Oran.

We are very grateful to all of those who attended the wake, sent flowers, mass cards, messages of condolence, offered prayers and attended Oran’s funeral.

Also, a special thank you to Oran’s relatives on both sides of the family and to all his dear friends.

A sincere appreciation to friends, family and neighbours who generously provided food and refreshments and helped during the wake.

A special word of thanks to the doctors and staff at Freeman’s Hospital (Ward 5) in Newcastle and to the doctors and staff of Belfast City Hospital and ICU doctors and staff on his final weeks.

A special word of thanks to Laura and Isobel for the emotional support and comfort shown to us as a family during Oran’s final days in ICU.

Sincere thank you to Fr. Seán O’Donnell for his beautiful personal mass at St. Joseph’s Church, Galliagh, you captured his story perfectly and also to the beautiful singers.

A very sincere thank you to Joe and all the staff at Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors, who went above and beyond for carrying out Oran’s funeral in the most dignified and professional manner.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please take this acknowledgement as a token of sincere appreciation and gratitude.

Oran’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated at 7:15pm on Saturday 31st August in St. Joseph’s Church, Galliagh. All welcome.

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

31 August 2024, 7.15PM

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Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors

31 William Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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[email protected]
028 7126 4467
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The death has occurred of:

Month’s Mind Mass / Acknowledgement

Oran McClintock

Died 30th July 2024

With a broken heart, Oran’s mother Caroline and her children would like to express heartfelt thanks for the kindness and continued support shown to us as a family following the loss of Oran.

We are very grateful to all of those who attended the wake, sent flowers, mass cards, messages of condolence, offered prayers and attended Oran’s funeral.

Also, a special thank you to Oran’s relatives on both sides of the family and to all his dear friends.

A sincere appreciation to friends, family and neighbours who generously provided food and refreshments and helped during the wake.

A special word of thanks to the doctors and staff at Freeman’s Hospital (Ward 5) in Newcastle and to the doctors and staff of Belfast City Hospital and ICU doctors and staff on his final weeks.

A special word of thanks to Laura and Isobel for the emotional support and comfort shown to us as a family during Oran’s final days in ICU.

Sincere thank you to Fr. Seán O’Donnell for his beautiful personal mass at St. Joseph’s Church, Galliagh, you captured his story perfectly and also to the beautiful singers.

A very sincere thank you to Joe and all the staff at Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors, who went above and beyond for carrying out Oran’s funeral in the most dignified and professional manner.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please take this acknowledgement as a token of sincere appreciation and gratitude.

Oran’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated at 7:15pm on Saturday 31st August in St. Joseph’s Church, Galliagh. All welcome.


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

31 August 2024, 7.15PM


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors

31 William Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

028 7126 4467

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