
Sean, Adeline & Michelle wish to express their sincere thanks to all who sympathised with them on the death of their daughter and sister Patrice.

All who called to the family home, brought gifts, sent cards and messages, who gave donations in lieu of flowers, attended the funeral or helped in anyway at the wake our deepest gratitude is extended to you all.

We are particularly grateful for the care Patrice was given during her illness. Many thanks to Riverfront Medical doctors and district nurses. The Cancer Centre staff, Ward 50, Sperrin Room and all the consultants who came in contact with Patrice. Especially her work colleagues from the the Pharmacy Department of Altnagelvin Hospital who were a great support to us all during her illness.

Many Thanks to the Foyle Hospice staff for all their care, kindness and compassion towards Patrice.

Thank you to W J O’Brien and Son Funeral Directors, Eglinton for the compassionate, professional, dignified and caring way they carried out the arrangements and funeral.

Our sincere thanks to Father Lagan who called to our home and celebrated the funeral mass.

Thank you Sarah, Paul and Isobel for the beautiful music that you provided.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually please accept our gratitude.

Mass will be offered for everyone’s intentions.

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W J O'Brien & Son Ltd.

110 Clooney Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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028 7181 0312
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The death has occurred of:

Sean, Adeline & Michelle wish to express their sincere thanks to all who sympathised with them on the death of their daughter and sister Patrice.

All who called to the family home, brought gifts, sent cards and messages, who gave donations in lieu of flowers, attended the funeral or helped in anyway at the wake our deepest gratitude is extended to you all.

We are particularly grateful for the care Patrice was given during her illness. Many thanks to Riverfront Medical doctors and district nurses. The Cancer Centre staff, Ward 50, Sperrin Room and all the consultants who came in contact with Patrice. Especially her work colleagues from the the Pharmacy Department of Altnagelvin Hospital who were a great support to us all during her illness.

Many Thanks to the Foyle Hospice staff for all their care, kindness and compassion towards Patrice.

Thank you to W J O’Brien and Son Funeral Directors, Eglinton for the compassionate, professional, dignified and caring way they carried out the arrangements and funeral.

Our sincere thanks to Father Lagan who called to our home and celebrated the funeral mass.

Thank you Sarah, Paul and Isobel for the beautiful music that you provided.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually please accept our gratitude.

Mass will be offered for everyone’s intentions.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

W J O'Brien & Son Ltd.

110 Clooney Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

028 7181 0312

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