The death has occurred of:
Patrick (PJ) DOYLE
Month's Mind Mass / Acknowledgement
Late Patrick (PJ) DOYLE
Died 13th January 2024
Kathleen, partner of PJ and Rosaire his daughter, would like to express their sincere thanks to all who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement. Heartfelt thanks to all the kind relatives, neighbours and friends who called at the home, brought gifts, cards, telephoned, attended the funeral or helped in any way. Deep gratitude is extended to all.
Sincere thanks to the paramedics who attended our home and did everything they could for PJ. Extended thanks also to all the staff working in Resuscitation Department in Altnagelvin for the care and medical attention they gave to PJ and to us.
Special thanks to Father Shaun for his pastoral care and for conducting PJ’s Requiem Mass. Thanks also to Annemarie and Aidan for the beautiful singing and music during the Mass.
Special word of thanks to Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors for the dignified and caring manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
PJ’s Month Mind Mass will take place on Friday 9th February in St Eugene’s Cathedral at 7.30pm.