Peadar Murray

Murray Peadar (R.I.P.). We the family of the late Peadar Murray wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who sympathised and offered support following the loss of our beloved son, brother, uncle and nephew. Thank you to our friends, family and neighbours and to all those who called to the house, sent Mass cards and sympathy cards, left donations in lieu of flowers and generously brought food and helped in any way during the wake. Thank you also to the ambulance service, police service and coroners office for their help and support at the time of Peadar's death. A special word of thanks to Father Josef Wozniak for his prayers and beautiful Requiem Mass. Our appreciation also goes to Meabh McStravick and Cecilia Hannon for the beautiful singing and music. Our heartful thanks also goes to Jack and Margaret McLearnon funeral directors for their professional and caring handling of the funeral arrangements. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation and thanks for all your help and support it is deeply appreciated.
Peadar's Month's Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 14th December at 7pm in St Paul's Church Lurgan.

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J. McLearnon & Son

75 North Street,
Co. Armagh
[email protected]
028 3832 2232
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The death has occurred of:
Peadar Murray

Murray Peadar (R.I.P.). We the family of the late Peadar Murray wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who sympathised and offered support following the loss of our beloved son, brother, uncle and nephew. Thank you to our friends, family and neighbours and to all those who called to the house, sent Mass cards and sympathy cards, left donations in lieu of flowers and generously brought food and helped in any way during the wake. Thank you also to the ambulance service, police service and coroners office for their help and support at the time of Peadar's death. A special word of thanks to Father Josef Wozniak for his prayers and beautiful Requiem Mass. Our appreciation also goes to Meabh McStravick and Cecilia Hannon for the beautiful singing and music. Our heartful thanks also goes to Jack and Margaret McLearnon funeral directors for their professional and caring handling of the funeral arrangements. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation and thanks for all your help and support it is deeply appreciated.
Peadar's Month's Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 14th December at 7pm in St Paul's Church Lurgan.

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Kirwan Funeral Directors

J. McLearnon & Son

75 North Street,
Co. Armagh

028 3832 2232

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