The death has occurred of

Rebecca (Ray) McGonigle (née Dunne)


We regret to inform you that the death has taken place of Rebecca (Ray) McGonigle née Dunne suddenly at Altnagelvin Hospital on 6th of August 2022. May she rest peace. 

Late of 3 Magherabouy,  Dungiven, Co Derry.

Beloved wife of the late John R.I.P and loving mother of Sheena (McLaughlin),  Mary K (Myles), the late infant Anne Marie, Damien and Majella R.I.P.
Fond mother in law of Marty and Hugh.
Devoted grandmother Caitlín, Aoife and Dearbhlá.
Loving daughter of the late Annie and William R.I.P and dear sister of Gerard, Kevin, Peter and the late Patricia,Kathleen, Brendan and Martin R.I.P. 

Reposing at her late residence. Family time please from 10pm to 11am. 
Funeral on Monday 8th of August 2022, leaving her late home at 1.40pm for 2pm Requiem Mass in St Patrick’s Church Dungiven, interment immediately afterwards in the adjoining church graveyard. 

Deeply regretted by all her loving family and the entire family circle. 

St Padre Pio pray for her. 

Enquiries to Mc Laughlin Funeral Directors Dungiven 07747046084 or 07840052022

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Funeral Arrangements

Service date & Time

08 August 2022, 2.00PM



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McLaughlin Funeral Directors Ltd

414A Ballyquin Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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[email protected]
07747046084 or 07840052022
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The death has occurred of:
Rebecca (Ray) McGonigle (née Dunne)

We regret to inform you that the death has taken place of Rebecca (Ray) McGonigle née Dunne suddenly at Altnagelvin Hospital on 6th of August 2022. May she rest peace. 

Late of 3 Magherabouy,  Dungiven, Co Derry.

Beloved wife of the late John R.I.P and loving mother of Sheena (McLaughlin),  Mary K (Myles), the late infant Anne Marie, Damien and Majella R.I.P.
Fond mother in law of Marty and Hugh.
Devoted grandmother Caitlín, Aoife and Dearbhlá.
Loving daughter of the late Annie and William R.I.P and dear sister of Gerard, Kevin, Peter and the late Patricia,Kathleen, Brendan and Martin R.I.P. 

Reposing at her late residence. Family time please from 10pm to 11am. 
Funeral on Monday 8th of August 2022, leaving her late home at 1.40pm for 2pm Requiem Mass in St Patrick’s Church Dungiven, interment immediately afterwards in the adjoining church graveyard. 

Deeply regretted by all her loving family and the entire family circle. 

St Padre Pio pray for her. 

Enquiries to Mc Laughlin Funeral Directors Dungiven 07747046084 or 07840052022


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

08 August 2022, 2.00PM


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

McLaughlin Funeral Directors Ltd

414A Ballyquin Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

07747046084 or 07840052022

View Directory Profile