
Rose Kelly, Killyclogher (formerly Oxtown Rd Mountfield), 9th December 2024, RIP

We the family of the late Rose Kelly would like to thank everyone who sympathised with us on our recent bereavement.
Thanks to everyone who attended the wake and funeral, brought food, sent mass cards, sympathy cards and those who helped in any way.
Thanks to Fr Kevin McElhennon PP for attending mother at home and for celebrating mother's funeral mass.
To Fr Declan McGeehan, Fr Eugene Hasson, Fr Peter McAnenly and Fr Paddy Doherty thank you for your prayers at home.
Thanks to the priests who visited mother in hospital, Fr Sean O'Donnell, Fr Joe Gormley, Fr Paddy, Fr Raymond Donnelly and the Sister's of Mercy.
Thanks to Fr Samir Daou, Missionary Friends the Lebanon for offering a mass for mum.
Thank to the Doctor's and nurses of Altnagelvin Hospital who cared for mother. Also special thanks to all the Doctors, nurses and staff in SWAH Enniskillen for the great care mother received over the past few years.
Thanks to the readers and to Bernie and Eugene for the lovely music at her funeral mass.
Thanks to FMC Funeral Services for conducting the funeral arrangements and to the gravediggers for preparing mothers final resting place.
Thank you so much to the Macmillan nurses, carers and all the Palliative Care team.
Thanks to Dr Quinn and the Grange Family Practice.
Thanks to Helen who stayed the final week, caring for mother.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.

Mum's month's mind mass will be celebrated in St.Mary's Church Killyclogher on Saturday 11th January at 10am

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FMC Funeral Services Ltd

3 Minnadinna Road,
Co. Tyrone
[email protected]
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The death has occurred of:
Rose Kelly

Rose Kelly, Killyclogher (formerly Oxtown Rd Mountfield), 9th December 2024, RIP

We the family of the late Rose Kelly would like to thank everyone who sympathised with us on our recent bereavement.
Thanks to everyone who attended the wake and funeral, brought food, sent mass cards, sympathy cards and those who helped in any way.
Thanks to Fr Kevin McElhennon PP for attending mother at home and for celebrating mother's funeral mass.
To Fr Declan McGeehan, Fr Eugene Hasson, Fr Peter McAnenly and Fr Paddy Doherty thank you for your prayers at home.
Thanks to the priests who visited mother in hospital, Fr Sean O'Donnell, Fr Joe Gormley, Fr Paddy, Fr Raymond Donnelly and the Sister's of Mercy.
Thanks to Fr Samir Daou, Missionary Friends the Lebanon for offering a mass for mum.
Thank to the Doctor's and nurses of Altnagelvin Hospital who cared for mother. Also special thanks to all the Doctors, nurses and staff in SWAH Enniskillen for the great care mother received over the past few years.
Thanks to the readers and to Bernie and Eugene for the lovely music at her funeral mass.
Thanks to FMC Funeral Services for conducting the funeral arrangements and to the gravediggers for preparing mothers final resting place.
Thank you so much to the Macmillan nurses, carers and all the Palliative Care team.
Thanks to Dr Quinn and the Grange Family Practice.
Thanks to Helen who stayed the final week, caring for mother.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.

Mum's month's mind mass will be celebrated in St.Mary's Church Killyclogher on Saturday 11th January at 10am


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

FMC Funeral Services Ltd

3 Minnadinna Road,
Co. Tyrone


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