The death has occurred of

Rosemary McKEOWN

McKeown 18th July 2020 peacefully, aged 91, at Corkhill Care Centre, Dungannon. Rosemary, widow of “Ronnie”, mother of Dermot and the late Mary and Shirley. Proud grandmother and great-grandmother. Previously teacher, school governor, flower arranger, and Pavlova maker of renown.

Funeral at Coolhill Cemetry at 1200 on Tuesday 21st July.

No flowers by request. Donations if desired payable by cheque or postal order to Northern Ireland Hospice c/o Holmes of Dungannon Funeral Directors, Tyrone House, 2 Ballygawley Road, Dungannon BT70 1EL.

Given current circumstances the funeral is private but when conditions allow there will be a memorial celebration. Thank you for your understanding. Dermot McKeown, 29A Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 1NH [email protected]

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Funeral Arrangements

Service date & Time

21 July 2020, 12 Noon


No flowers by request. Donations if desired payable by cheque or postal order to Northern Ireland Hospice c/o Holmes of Dungannon Funeral Directors, Tyrone House, 2 Ballygawley Road, Dungannon BT70 1EL



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Holmes of Dungannon - and - D. Cranston Funeral Director, Moy

Tyrone House - 2 Ballygawley Road Dungannon BT70 1EL -and- 13 Main Street Charlemont Moy BT71 7SF,
Co. Tyrone
Visit Website
[email protected]
028 8775 2212 / 07709 468 854
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The death has occurred of:
Rosemary McKEOWN

McKeown 18th July 2020 peacefully, aged 91, at Corkhill Care Centre, Dungannon. Rosemary, widow of “Ronnie”, mother of Dermot and the late Mary and Shirley. Proud grandmother and great-grandmother. Previously teacher, school governor, flower arranger, and Pavlova maker of renown.

Funeral at Coolhill Cemetry at 1200 on Tuesday 21st July.

No flowers by request. Donations if desired payable by cheque or postal order to Northern Ireland Hospice c/o Holmes of Dungannon Funeral Directors, Tyrone House, 2 Ballygawley Road, Dungannon BT70 1EL.

Given current circumstances the funeral is private but when conditions allow there will be a memorial celebration. Thank you for your understanding. Dermot McKeown, 29A Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 1NH [email protected]

Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

21 July 2020, 12 Noon


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Holmes of Dungannon - and - D. Cranston Funeral Director, Moy

Tyrone House - 2 Ballygawley Road Dungannon BT70 1EL -and- 13 Main Street Charlemont Moy BT71 7SF,
Co. Tyrone

Visit Website

028 8775 2212 / 07709 468 854

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