Seamus McCloskey - Skehugan


We the family of the late Seamus McCloskey (Skehugan) wish to extend heartfelt gratitude and acknowledgement to all those who offered their sympathy and support during our recent loss.
We extend our sincere appreciation to all who attended the wake and funeral mass or conveyed condolences to us in various ways during this period.
A special expression of gratitude is reserved for our extended family and friends, whose unwavering support and assistance in welcoming Seamus back into his home, as well as their presence during the wake and funeral, have been invaluable. Your kindness has been a source of strength and solace for us.
Our sincere thanks to Fr Liam McClary and Fr Seamus Kelly for a beautiful concelebrated requiem mass and to Fr Joseph for his presence and spiritual support.
We would like to thank Jolene and Martin for the beautiful music and singing, church sacristan Annie-Jo, altar servers and grave digger who all played their part in the funeral mass.
We also extend our thanks to Cathal`s Flowers and the Benedy Community Assoc. for facilitating refreshments afterwards.
We express our gratitude to Deborah, Seamus, and Paddy of McLaughlin Funeral Directors for their dignified, compassionate, and respectful handling of their responsibilities throughout this challenging time. Your professionalism and care have been deeply appreciated by our family.
Finally, our heartfelt thanks go to the medical staff at Altnagalvin Hospital. Your dedication and expertise were crucial during this difficult time, and we are grateful for the exceptional care and support provided.
While it may not be feasible to express our gratitude individually, we sincerely hope that this acknowledgement conveys our heartfelt appreciation to every one of you. Your support is truly valued and deeply acknowledged.

Seamus`s Month`s Mind Mass will be celebrated in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Gortnaghey, 4.30pm, Saturday Janurary 20th.

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McLaughlin Funeral Directors Ltd

414A Ballyquin Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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07747046084 or 07840052022
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The death has occurred of:
Seamus McCloskey - Skehugan

We the family of the late Seamus McCloskey (Skehugan) wish to extend heartfelt gratitude and acknowledgement to all those who offered their sympathy and support during our recent loss.
We extend our sincere appreciation to all who attended the wake and funeral mass or conveyed condolences to us in various ways during this period.
A special expression of gratitude is reserved for our extended family and friends, whose unwavering support and assistance in welcoming Seamus back into his home, as well as their presence during the wake and funeral, have been invaluable. Your kindness has been a source of strength and solace for us.
Our sincere thanks to Fr Liam McClary and Fr Seamus Kelly for a beautiful concelebrated requiem mass and to Fr Joseph for his presence and spiritual support.
We would like to thank Jolene and Martin for the beautiful music and singing, church sacristan Annie-Jo, altar servers and grave digger who all played their part in the funeral mass.
We also extend our thanks to Cathal`s Flowers and the Benedy Community Assoc. for facilitating refreshments afterwards.
We express our gratitude to Deborah, Seamus, and Paddy of McLaughlin Funeral Directors for their dignified, compassionate, and respectful handling of their responsibilities throughout this challenging time. Your professionalism and care have been deeply appreciated by our family.
Finally, our heartfelt thanks go to the medical staff at Altnagalvin Hospital. Your dedication and expertise were crucial during this difficult time, and we are grateful for the exceptional care and support provided.
While it may not be feasible to express our gratitude individually, we sincerely hope that this acknowledgement conveys our heartfelt appreciation to every one of you. Your support is truly valued and deeply acknowledged.

Seamus`s Month`s Mind Mass will be celebrated in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Gortnaghey, 4.30pm, Saturday Janurary 20th.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

McLaughlin Funeral Directors Ltd

414A Ballyquin Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

07747046084 or 07840052022

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