The death has occurred of:
Stella HEALY
Stella Healy
3rd. Anniversary
Memories Of You Mum
It's been the hardest thing to lose you
You meant so much to me
But you are in my heart Mum
And that's where you'll always be
I know that Heaven called you
But I wish you could have stayed
At least the memories I have of you
They will never fade
I did not want to lose you
But you did not go alone
Because a part of me went with you
When Heaven called you home
So just remember one thing
We are not apart
You're with me in my memories
And in my broken heart
From your son Pat, daughter-in-law Marie and your granddaughters and partners.
Anniversary mass will be celebrated in St. Columba's Church, Longtower on Thursday 16th. January 2025 at 7:30 p.m.