The death has occurred of:
The family of the late Teresa Mc Gaughey, Holmlea Park, Dungiven wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who
sympathised with them in their recent bereavement.
We would like to thank all who visited Mc Laughlin's Funeral Home, attended the wake and funeral, sent Mass and Sympathy cards, brought food and gave donations in lieu of flowers to St. Vincent De Paul Society.
Thanks to the staff of Cornfield Care Centre for the care and attention given to Teresa.
A special word of thanks to Fr Micheál Mc Gavigan,
Fr Seamus O’ Connell and Fr Séamus Kelly for the celebration of the Requiem Mass and prayers at the Funeral Home.
Thanks to Mc Laughlin Funeral Directors, Dungiven for the professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our gratitude.
Teresa's Month's Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Mary's Church, Altinure, Park on Tuesday 13th June at 10.00 am. The mass can be viewed live via website.
Sacred Heart of Jesus we place all our trust in thee.