Vincent (Vinny) O'Brien Smith


We, the family of the late Vinny Smith, would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all who supported and sympathised with us from near and far, during our recent very sad loss.
We sincerely thank all our kind relatives, friends and neighbours who attended the home and funeral and supported the family in so many ways. Our heartfelt thanks to all who left messages of condolences on social media, telephoned, sent Mass and sympathy cards, brought food and assisted in the home.
Our sincere thanks to the large numbers of people who turned out to pay their respects at Vinny’s funeral.
Thank you to the members of the Mad Dog Motorcycle Club for organising the cortage to escort Vinny from Ballygawley home to Lisnaskea and the many bikes that shared this honour. Also to Mad Dog MCC for welcoming Vinny to rest for a night as per his wishes, in the clubhouse. We are also grateful to Lisnaskea Emmetts GAC for their guard of honour and the many men who helped to carry Vinny out of Cornashee town land.
Our grateful thanks to all the services that attended to the scene where Vinny suddenly passed.
A heartfelt thanks to Canon Jimmy for his personalised homily and beautiful funeral mass which was a very fitting tribute to Vinny’s life. Thank you to Karen Connolly and Ian Fee for the beautiful music and singing. Thank you to Irene for the beautiful flowers. Our most sincere thanks to Ollie, Leo and Conor Swift who carried out all the arrangements with such sensitivity and professionalism. There are so many people we are grateful to for both emotional and practical support, we are both deeply humbled and blessed. The Holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Vinny’s Month Mind Mass will be celebrated in The Holy Cross, Lisnaskea on Sunday 13th October 2024 at 11am
Vinnys months mind can be viewed online via parish of Aghalurcher website

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Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors

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The death has occurred of:
Vincent (Vinny) O'Brien Smith

We, the family of the late Vinny Smith, would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all who supported and sympathised with us from near and far, during our recent very sad loss.
We sincerely thank all our kind relatives, friends and neighbours who attended the home and funeral and supported the family in so many ways. Our heartfelt thanks to all who left messages of condolences on social media, telephoned, sent Mass and sympathy cards, brought food and assisted in the home.
Our sincere thanks to the large numbers of people who turned out to pay their respects at Vinny’s funeral.
Thank you to the members of the Mad Dog Motorcycle Club for organising the cortage to escort Vinny from Ballygawley home to Lisnaskea and the many bikes that shared this honour. Also to Mad Dog MCC for welcoming Vinny to rest for a night as per his wishes, in the clubhouse. We are also grateful to Lisnaskea Emmetts GAC for their guard of honour and the many men who helped to carry Vinny out of Cornashee town land.
Our grateful thanks to all the services that attended to the scene where Vinny suddenly passed.
A heartfelt thanks to Canon Jimmy for his personalised homily and beautiful funeral mass which was a very fitting tribute to Vinny’s life. Thank you to Karen Connolly and Ian Fee for the beautiful music and singing. Thank you to Irene for the beautiful flowers. Our most sincere thanks to Ollie, Leo and Conor Swift who carried out all the arrangements with such sensitivity and professionalism. There are so many people we are grateful to for both emotional and practical support, we are both deeply humbled and blessed. The Holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Vinny’s Month Mind Mass will be celebrated in The Holy Cross, Lisnaskea on Sunday 13th October 2024 at 11am
Vinnys months mind can be viewed online via parish of Aghalurcher website


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Swift & McCaffrey Funeral Directors

Co. Fermanagh

028 677 22085


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