The death has occurred of:
Wilbert McNEILL
The wife and family of the late Wilbert McNeill wish to express our sincere gratitude to everyone on the recent sad bereavement. Heartfelt thanks to all those kind friends and neighbours who called at the home, sent cards, telephoned, gave donations in lieu of flowers, attended the funeral or helped in anyway.
Special word of thanks to the Doctors and Staff of Strabane Health Centre, Doctors and Nurses of I. C. U. and Ward 26 Altnagelvin Hospital for unfailing attention in recent years.
Special thanks to Rev. Robert Orr for his prayers, words of comfort and for conducting the funeral service at the home and church, and those who took part in the service, thanks to Vanessa for the lovely music.
Thanks to D. & R. Hay & Sons, Funeral Directors for the dignified and caring manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
Although it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our deep sincere appreciation.
Killyclooney Road.