The death has occurred of:
William James (Billy) BLEEKS
The wife and family of the late William James (Billy) Bleeks of 16 Coagh Road, Stewartstown wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement.
Thanks to the Doctors and nurses in attendance at ward 2 South, Craigavon area hospital for the excellent care and also Stewartstown health centre for their care over over the years.
A special thanks to Rev Canon Matthew Hagan (MBE) for his pastrol support and kindness and for conducting the funeral service in Donaghendry Parish Church, Stewartstown on the 26th December 2024. Thanks to the church wardens, organist and caterers.
Thanks also to Fred Martin and Son's funeral directors for their professional undertaking duties.
Heartfelt thanks to all the kind friends and neighbours who called to the family home, brought gifts, sent floral tributes / gave donations, messages of sympathy, attended the funeral or helped in any other way.
Trusting this acknowledgement will be accepted by all in grateful appreciation.