William (Ronnie) REYNOLDS


The family of the late William (Ronnie) Reynolds, would like to extend their sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised with them on the recent, sad loss of their much loved father / father in law / grandfather.

Heartfelt thanks to all who sent cards & messages of condolence, attended the wake & funeral service & to all who donated to Dementia NI on his behalf.

A special word of thanks to Canon McBeth for the comforting prayers with the family at their father’s bedside prior to his passing. For exceptional guidance & support to the family throughout & for providing such a beautiful service in memory of Ronnie.

Special thanks also to the members of the Britannia Band who played so beautifully during the service as a final tribute & send off to one of their longest standing members of the band.

Much thanks also to the Solus Centre for providing the hall and teas after the service.

A special mention to all the staff at Culmore Nursing Home and to the home carers who looked Ronnie prior to his move. The love, care & medical attention he received will never be forgotten & provided much comfort to his family during his short time with them.

Extended word of thanks to Mark, John & Jacqueline of Adair & Neely Funeral directors for the professional & dignified manor in which their father was looked after and in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.

Please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.

“Forever loved and sadly missed”

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Adair & Neely Funeral Directors

10-12 Foyle Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
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[email protected]
028 7131 1321
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The death has occurred of:
William (Ronnie) REYNOLDS

The family of the late William (Ronnie) Reynolds, would like to extend their sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised with them on the recent, sad loss of their much loved father / father in law / grandfather.

Heartfelt thanks to all who sent cards & messages of condolence, attended the wake & funeral service & to all who donated to Dementia NI on his behalf.

A special word of thanks to Canon McBeth for the comforting prayers with the family at their father’s bedside prior to his passing. For exceptional guidance & support to the family throughout & for providing such a beautiful service in memory of Ronnie.

Special thanks also to the members of the Britannia Band who played so beautifully during the service as a final tribute & send off to one of their longest standing members of the band.

Much thanks also to the Solus Centre for providing the hall and teas after the service.

A special mention to all the staff at Culmore Nursing Home and to the home carers who looked Ronnie prior to his move. The love, care & medical attention he received will never be forgotten & provided much comfort to his family during his short time with them.

Extended word of thanks to Mark, John & Jacqueline of Adair & Neely Funeral directors for the professional & dignified manor in which their father was looked after and in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.

Please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.

“Forever loved and sadly missed”


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Adair & Neely Funeral Directors

10-12 Foyle Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

028 7131 1321

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