Latest Sympathy Notices

Heartfelt sympathy to Iris and family at this sad time, from life-long friend Bertha and the late Bobby Stewart and family.
Peace, perfect peace. xx. Friday 06 April 2018

You will always hold a place in my heart, you were one in a million, a cut above the rest, all that knew you would agree you simple were the best, so Granda I will say goodbye, I love and miss you.
Joanne and Des. xxx. Thursday 05 April 2018

The brightest star in the sky tonight
is our great-granda saying good night.
Love you, Caleb, Kane, Jaxon, Edison. xxxx. Thursday 05 April 2018

Granda, I could write a thousand words of memories and of how much I love you, but words couldn't describe my love for you, you were my bestie.
It's not goodbye, it's only good night.
Love you, Nikki and Curtis. xx. Thursday 05 April 2018

Will be very sadly missed by his loving wife Iris.
Forever is forever Jim, even though I'm here alone,
your love reigns in my heart, even though you've really gone.
I love you. xx. Thursday 05 April 2018

Dad, you were always there when I needed you,
no task too great or small,
with loving heart and willing hands
for us you did them all.
Love Deborah and Thomas. xx. Thursday 05 April 2018
