Latest Sympathy Notices

Deeply regretted by his loving brother David, sister-in-law Sharon, nephews David and Martin and their families.
God saw you getting weary and said it was not too be,
he gently whispered in your ear, Bobby come rest with me.
God Bless. xxxx. Monday 21 December 2015 David, Sharon, David, Martin and families

Much-loved brother of Billy, wife Maureen and family, Michele and Philip.
Time will pass and fade away,
but memories of you will always stay.
God Bless. Monday 21 December 2015 Billy, Maureen and family, Michele and Philip

Dearly loved friend of Frank and the Allen family. Peace after suffering. Friday 18 December 2015

Lovingly remembered by grandson David. Two tired hands are resting, the voice I loved is still, the one who did so much for me, is resting at God's will. You were a unique, precious and irreplaceable person in my life. Thank you for always being there. Goodnight Big Man. Friday 18 December 2015

Lovingly remembered by wife Betty. My love, we shared our life together we were called big and small but now you've gone before me and I am on my own. But the Lord has took you Home before me and now I am left alone, but I know you will be waiting when the Lord will take me Home. Love you Bobby. Friday 18 December 2015

Always loved and sorely missed by his daughter Karen, son-in-law Darren and grandchildren David, Keith, Robyn and her fiance Matt, Judy and Rachel. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best. Love you always Bobs. Friday 18 December 2015

Sadly missed by his sister-in-law Belsie and her family. The Lord is my Shepherd. Friday 18 December 2015

Forever loved and missed by son Robert, daughter-in-law Nicola, grandson Michael, granddaughters Ashleigh, Natalie and partner Bradley. One of life's true gentlemen. Thank you for always being our rock. Your restless days are over, your sleepless nights are past, God put His arms around you and gave you peace at last. Night night Dad, my big mate and Grandad. Love you always, Mr. Christmas. xxx. Friday 18 December 2015

Lovingly remembered by his grandson Keith, Julie and great-grandchildren Emily and Henry. Memories are wonderful, they last the longest day, they never wear and they never get lost and can never be taken away. Night night Bobo. xxx. Friday 18 December 2015
