Latest Sympathy Notices

Deeply regretted by sister-in-law Valerie, brother-in-law John and family.
Your memory is our greatest treasure,
to love, to cherish, to keep forever.

Miss you always. xx. Tuesday 30 August 2016

God saw you getting tired
and a cure was not to be,
so He put His arms around you
and whispered come with Me.

Sleep tight Uncle Thomas, love Haylee, Michael and boys. xx. Tuesday 30 August 2016

Goodbye to you dear brother,
you deserve eternal rest,
you cared so much for one and all,
to have you I was blessed.

Love you always bro. Jennifer. xx. Tuesday 30 August 2016

Deeply regretted by his loving sister Wendy, partner Alan, sons Ryan and David.
We shared so much together,
laughter, joy and tears,
now all I have are memories
of all those happy years.

Goodnight brother, love you always. xx. Tuesday 30 August 2016

Deeply regretted by your loving son Wayne, partner Ashleigh, grand-sons Leon and Riley.
To us you were always special
in our eyes you will always shine,
of all the dads/grandads in the world,
I'm glad that you were mine.

Love you always. xx. Tuesday 30 August 2016

Deeply regretted by loving son Scott and Nadia.
To have you for my father was cause enough for pride,
no-one could be your equal, however, much they tried.
I lost a dad in a million, I loved him to the end,
I lost two precious things that day, my dad and my best friend.

Love you so much, until we meet again. xx. Tuesday 30 August 2016

Deeply regretted by your loving mother.
Silent thoughts of times together hold memories that will last forever.
Goodnight and God bless son. xx. Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Directors and Staff of Caldwell Consulting deeply regret the death of the Husband of their friend and colleague Rufina and offer their sincere condolences to her and the entire family circle. Monday 29 August 2016 Caldwell Consulting
